This is a Carrd site dedicated to reporting updates, goals, personal missions, ect. At the time of writing (Feb 11 2025) there are three sections-
Site Assesments: A blog for any uodates on any webpage we run. Here, we post if we edited a site, or posted anything on a blog.
Web Games: A few of us play a few different browser based games (NeoPets, Santae, Mistic Pets, Dragon Cave, Flight Rising) this section is where we document goals, events, notes, achievements, ect.
Idea Board: This section will eventually be changed, but for now it holds notes and ideas for what we'll do next.
This Carrd has some basic information on our system. Some of us want to have introductions here (or will eventually) and we plan to blog about our general experience with DID / Our system here. Information here will likely be more positive, since (1) this is a public space (2) god knows we could use a space to actually talk about the positives of this. But DID isn't... an extremely positive thing. We may post more seious stuff. Likely nothing too personal or realted to trauma for our own safety, but don't assume this blog is purely sunshine and rainbows and inner world best friends. That's not what DID is. this isn't fucking roleplay. If you'd like to know more about the alters updating these pages, you're welcome to read about us, but if you read other parts of this blog, just be advised it is a page on a disorder caused by severe trauma.